Mumma-To-Be: Denya’s tips on how to look and feel beautiful during pregnancy

With only a few weeks until she meets her beautiful first baby, Earth mumma-to-be ~ Denya ~ joined us at golden hour to capture some truly special moments of her and her gorgeous bump. It was a truly breathtaking experience with the stunning sunset backdrop at one of our favourite local spots, Martin Lookout.
Q&A with Denya
Denya, we are so excited to meet your little bubba and already know what an amazing Mum you’re going to be! Thanks for taking the time to give us all a little insight into your pregnancy.We would love to know what you are most excited about becoming a Mumma bear?
What excites me most about becoming a mumma is of course getting to meet this beautiful little being I have been growing for the first time. I'm also super excited by all the things I am going to learn about my partner, this new little person we’ve created and what I'll learn about myself ~ my limits, my patience, my tolerance, my endurance, my strength, my capacity to love and to be generous with that love.
What has been your go-to style during pregnancy and what looks make you glow on the inside and out the most?
My go-to style at this stage of my pregnancy has generally been a tight fitting dress with a cute little cardigan or turtle neck over the top and my notorious big hoops. As this is my first experience of being pregnant, I want to show off this bump as much as I can ~ I mean how often, in the span of your entire life, do you get to experience growing another human being!?
I believe that my pregnancy ‘glow' has come from me absolutely loving the whole experience. With the exception of a few items I’ve bought here and there to feel beautiful in, the real beauty shines through because of my comfortability and enjoyment.
What have you been doing to look after yourself and your little one?
To look after the two of us I have been eating well, going to weekly training sessions with a PT, staying on my feet by working three days a week in a local bakery, drinking lots of water and tea, taking the appropriate vitamin supplements to support our bodies, not pushing my energy levels and resting when I need to, having massages, receiving lots of love and cuddles, and bathing!
Another thing I have been doing religiously every day is oiling my entire body, with specific attention to my belly. I have loved creating this routine for myself and definitely feel the benefits of maintaining my skins elasticity and hydration.
What would your best advice be for new mum’s like you going through their first pregnancy?
My advice to any new mums going through their first pregnancy would be to take every piece of advice with a grain of salt, to make sure you laugh everyday, keep your body moving, educate yourself on your rights, your options and choices before you give birth, don’t be afraid to respectfully ask people not to tell you their traumatic birth stories before you give birth, give yourself lots of love, don’t be afraid to ask for help and support, and actively work on not carrying stress and worry in your head, heart and body, as your little one feels everything you do.
And finally, what is your biggest wish for your beautiful new baby?
My biggest wish for our little baba is that they feel loved and supported throughout their whole life.
Here are some more breathtaking images from our magical shoot, because they're too beautiful not to share!
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