Musings about Motherhood, our Mums & Mother's Day

In celebration of Mother's Day, we chatted with a few of our gorgeous Bellas and asked them all about motherhood, their Mums and Mother's Day.
We hope you enjoy this reflective Q&A with our Bellas...
Maddie, what is the best lesson your Mum has taught you?
“Smile and the whole world smiles with you” - one of my favourite morning daily quotes from Mumma! A reminder that everyday is a blessing ✨ and to always be positive and grateful every day.
What are the similarities between you and your Mum?
We have the same taste in fashion (which is fantastic!). We dance the same and laugh the same! We love a cheeky aperol spritz and love adventure.
What do you remember most about your Mum when you were a child?
Positive affirmations every day in the car before school! (She still makes me do this and I’m now 27 haha) and her happy face every time we’re about to take off on an adventure! Her little face gets so excited you can actually feel her sunshine!
Find Maddie on Instagram @maddisonclare
Shelby, what are you most looking forward to about Motherhood?
I’m so excited for this next adventure with my husband and bringing our own little human that we created together into this world.
Pregnancy really is a miracle and I know motherhood will be hard, but also beautiful, and I look forward to it being both of these things all at the same time.
I look forward to feeling that rush of love and emotion the moment we meet our child for the first time and I just simply can’t wait to be a mum and start our little family.
Has your first pregnancy been an enjoyable experience? You're certainly glowing!
Thank you so much. I have been very fortunate to have had a very smooth pregnancy. I’m sure the final few weeks will get tougher but I’ve been loving every minute of my growing bump.
Given the current pandemic, I think it’s given me a lot of time to relax and enjoy the experience and although we won’t be celebrating with a baby shower and I haven’t been able to see all my friends throughout the pregnancy, I have still tried to remain positive and embrace the extra time at home with my husband. I also know the current situation won’t affect the amount of love our child will receive from family and friends.
What is the most important lesson you have learnt from your own Mumma?
My Mumma really is my best friend and she will be a huge influence on the way I will raise my child. I hope to be half the woman she is and teach my children the importance of love and family just like she did for my brother and I.
My Mumma bear has always been so kind and giving and has always gone about motherhood without any fuss. Her best piece of advice which was passed down from my beautiful grandma is “Don’t change your life around your child let them fit into your lifestyle”.
Although things are going to change and never be the same, I think this saying is important in ensuring you don’t lose yourself and what you enjoy doing together as a couple. It will now just be with your special little addition 💛
Find Shelby on Instagram @shelbylouisedavis
Eilish, what would your "dream" Mother's Day look like?
A slow morning with my two boys and my partner, snuggles in bed, pancakes for breakfast & a day spent together, with a whole heap of loving on each other 💕
How has your relationship with your own Mum changed since becoming a Mother yourself?
Mothers are superheroes and my mother is no exception 💛
Since I became a mother also, our relationship has grown in a whole new way & created a whole new bond that I couldn’t be more grateful for. I have such a deeper appreciation for her & all she’s done for my siblings and myself 💛
What has surprised you the most about Motherhood?
Just how deeply you can love another human being! There truly is NOTHING that compares to the deep and pure love that I have for my babies! 💘
Find Eilish on Instagram @eilishbyrne
Danielle, what is your favourite part about being a Mum?
My favourite thing about being a mum is just what a better person it makes you on a daily basis. It’s the unconditional love. The love that every mother feels the instant their first baby is born. That pure everlasting love.
Every morning when I walk into Eve’s room and look over her cot the smile on her face and love in her eyes as she says ‘good morning mummy’ and reaches up for a real proper koala bear hug melts me and I’m instantly in a good mood. The endgame each day is to make sure she smiles and laughs and if I achieve that I’m happy.
I love Watching her learn even if it means doing the same puzzle 38 times a day, singing songs and I really enjoy seeing her do kind things when she looks after her ‘babies’ (dolls) or if I hurt myself she checks if I’m ok. I love hearing her say please and thank you and knowing that this is something I’ve taught her without even trying. Just by being kind and courteous.
What advice would you give your pre-kids self?
I feel that i try to embrace what my parents always told and still tell me ‘enjoy the journey’. They always motivated me to live each day like it’s my last & pre- kids I really did try and live in every moment, was spontaneous, travelled lots, studied and finished my degrees. I really feel that I utilised every opportunity and made so many amazing memories.
The main change after having Eve has been my time. I would tell pre kids me to ‘use your time wisely’. Bringing a child into the world changes everything, in the best way possible but definitely means the simple things like sleeps ins, staying out all night, chasing the summer and travelling for months at a time aren't as easy as before. Time is precious!!
How has becoming a Mum changed your outlook on life?
You think you know but until you actually become a parent you realise you never really knew how much love your parents have for you.
You realise how much they sacrificed for you, how overwhelming it can be and that even when you yourself become a parent, you never stop needing your own parents no matter how old you are, because they are your safe place.
Your parents, parent you even when you don’t realise it. They make you feel special, heard and you really appreciate just how amazing they are when you become a parent and that you too are now a little humans safe place 💜
It has changed my outlook in the best way possible. Seeing things through their eyes (for example Eve saw her first rainbow for the first time a couple of weeks ago), watching her master toy tongs while we play tea parties in her cubby etc. It’s these little things that remind me that the simple things really are the most beautiful and important.
Find Danielle on Instagram @dannniellle_11
Em, what is your fave part of being a Mum?
The pure and unconditional love between mother and child... it really is a love so strong it can move mountains. I also love watching my children grow through the many stages of childhood, and although you mourn each stage as it passes, you fall equally in love with the next stage.
What is the best lesson your mum taught you?
To follow your dreams and always lead with your heart. She taught me to never settle for anything other than what sets your soul on fire. She also taught me the value of hard work and that if you want something badly enough you have to fight for it.
The other important lesson she always taught me was to never rely on another person for your own happiness, that that power only lies within ourselves - I miss her wisdom so much.
How do you juggle the Mum/work life?
Oh gosh, very badly at times! I’m very, very blessed to be married to Mr BB who helps a LOT! I think having a supportive partner is key... without him I couldn’t do what I do.
I really hope that by leading by example and working hard everyday at doing what I love that my children will be inspired to one day chase their own dreams ✨
Find Em on Instagram @bellaboheme
Ohh my goodness can I say how proud I am of all these ladies and the legacy they have inherited from and passed on to their babes! Keep loving, teaching,nurturing these young ones so they too can grow to appreciate and respect their wonderful parents. ❤️
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