The Bella Motherhood Memoirs
Here at Bella HQ we are are a tribe of Mothers and Daughters who share our time between our families and our love for sharing the Bella Boheme experience. This week we wanted to dedicate our blog towards the women that we share the privilege of Motherhood with and our own personal experiences of raising our children here in the beautiful Blue Mountains.
We asked each of the Bella's about their own personal experiences, hopes and dreams in Motherhood and this is what they had to share.
We asked each of the Bella's about their own personal experiences, hopes and dreams in Motherhood and this is what they had to share.

What are your biggest hopes & dreams for all three of your beautiful children?
Above all else, to live a long, happy and healthy life. To hopefully find a life long partner who will love and cherish them as much as I do, and who will bring out the very best in them. To always follow their hearts and stay true to who they are. Work hard at making a living out of doing something that they truly love and that lights them up. To promise me that they will always look out for each other. To walk gently through life and always speak their truth quietly and clearly. To reach for the stars, they are all meant for you…xx

You are an incredible Mumma to your two kids tell us the biggest lesson that your children teach you?
Perhaps the biggest lesson has been how to show the unconditional love I have for them; not only through cuddles and kind words but sometimes taking a step back and giving them their own space to discover the world for themselves. How to be supportive when they need a little extra encouragement but not smother them nor take control of every situation so they can experience cause and effect, even if it means they may take a small tumble or make a mistake. I feel like I have succeeded in my unconditional love if they feel safe enough in their environment to do all of these things.
They have also reignited my appreciation for the simple things in life; watching bugs and insects in their natural habitat; making funny animals out of Play dough; having leaf fights in Autumn... and for that I am so thankful. They released my inner child and taught me how to play again.

You’re blessed to be the Mumma of two adorable boys, what traits do you hope to instill in them as they grow into young men?
I am sure every mother says this about there kids but mine are the most amazing kids ever but I could not of asked for anymore than what my boys give to me everyday. They teach me to enjoy life, look at the small things and appreciate them and that there is beauty in so much that to us adults we may take for granted everyday. I hope that as they grow into men they remember that be who you want to be, NEVER let anyone dampen your spirit and to love anyone and everyone that comes into their lives and respect and understand that everyone is different and there is not one mould that fits everyone.

You are a hardworking Mumma of three amazing kids what is your biggest challenge and greatest reward on your motherhood journey?
The biggest challenge I've found raising 3 kids over the last 16 years has been the everyday striving for their physical and emotional health (plus all the practical things) whilst also holding onto my own sense of self. There never feels like there is enough hours in the day.
The greatest reward however has been this beautiful instinctual sense of love and protection.

You have an amazing relationship with your three teenagers. What is your #1 piece of advice for parenting teens?
Communication is key & one on one time is hard to do but so special when it happens xx
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